Hit CountersRank Noodle Why Kadampa Buddhism (NKT) Will Fail: Marketing Failure #1 - Mixed Product Line

Monday, February 16, 2009

Marketing Failure #1 - Mixed Product Line

The first good strategy of a good marketing campaign is to keep the product line and the corporate philosophy coherent. That is, the products or goods must match a corporation’s behavior. Therefore, if a corporation preaches environmental awareness or produces environmentally friendly products, yet spews hazardous waste into the environment there is a failure in its image. A failure in marketing as consumer trust declines.

NKT proposes two essential philosophies - bodhicitta and wisdom. Bodhicitta is a mind of compassion, often best exemplified by the Lojong teaches. Patience, giving and equanimity are proposed objectives. Rather than arguing we "give the victory to the other". The other NKT goal (like all Tibetan Buddhist schools) is a mind realizing emptiness. The world as we perceive it is a world of our own mental making. We must study and meditate on the "non-findability" of objects and of self.

Yet the NKT at the same time takes a very rigid and critical view of other perspectives. They promote protesting the Dalai Lama, firing teachers with different views and banishing students who follow other Tibetan lamas. It is as if they perceive these outside "threats" as inherently existing, and as if the Lojong teachings don't apply to our feelings about "some" people.

This is what is meant by a mixed product line. While proposing environmental awareness, it spews toxic waste into the environment.

Next post - Underestimating the Intelligence of your Potential Customer.


  1. Hilarious!

    You are kidding, right?

    Dang, if only Buddha had got the demographics right, he could have sold a lot more product.

  2. Actually, this blog isn't really about the Buddha. It is about NKT - a money making operation. In their effort to market to the west they have made several errors. That is what this blog is about.
